Freedom & Prosperity Agenda  

“Adherence to men is often disloyalty to principles.”
 – John Taylor of Caroline


Here you will find video commentaries, video footage of select Tertium Quids events such as press conferences and speakers at the TMG coalition meetings, and interviews we conduct with some of the prominent political movers and shakers from Virginia and around the nation.

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Video Menu:


John Taylor's Liberty 101 Seminar: "Battle for the Soul of America: The Philosophy of the Founding Fathers vs. Progressivism"

John Taylor's Richmond Tea Party II speech

John Taylor's Richmond Tax Day Tea Party speech

Making Virginia's budget transparent to the taxpayers - news conference

Experts tell what to expect from an Obama administration



John Taylor's Liberty 101 Seminar: 

"Battle for the Soul of America: The Philosophy of the Founding Fathers vs. Progressivism"

July 25, 2009

Segment 1:


Segment 2:


Segment 3:


Segment 4:


Segment 5:



John Taylor's Richmond Tea Party II speech

July 25, 2009

Segment 1:


Segment 2:




John Taylor's Richmond Tax Day Tea Party Speech

April 15, 2009

Segment 1:


Segment 2:




Making Virginia's budget transparent to the taxpayers

January 13, 2009

At a Capitol news conference prior to the convening of the 2009 General Assembly, Tertium Quids and several Republican and Democratic state legislators called for putting Virginia's budget and expenditures online in a searchable database to give citizens more control over their government. At a time when the federal government is struggling with an economic meltdown that is now affecting our state governments as well, fiscal accountability and transparency in how tax dollars are being spent have emerged as front burner issues. Virginia House and Senate legislators are sponsoring a bill this General Assembly session to put the state's budget, revenues, taxes, and expenditures on the Internet, in a format easily understandable and accessible to the general public.

Segment 1:
John Taylor, president of Tertium Quids, reviews TQ's four-part
legislative agenda, including budget transparency

Segment 2:
Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling talks about the need for budget transparency
and other positive, small government solutions

Segment 3:
Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge

Segment 4:
Sen. Ken Cuccinelli, R-Fairfax

Segment 5:
Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax

Segment 6:
Q&A and further details about transparency


Experts tell what to expect from an Obama administration

November 11, 2008

At the November Tuesday Morning Group coalition meeting, a panel of national experts in the economy, labor law, gun issues, energy, the environment, social issues, and the media examined the Obama Administration's proposed policies to give us a glimpse of what we can expect for the next four years.

Segment 1:
Chris Edwards, director of fiscal policy studies at the Cato Institute

Segment 2:
Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America

Segment 3:
Greg Mourad, director of federal legislation for the National Right to Work Committee

Segment 4:
Chris Horner, senior fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute

Segment 5:
Chris Freund, vice president of policy and communications for
The Family Foundation of Virginia

Segment 6:
Bob Gibson, former reporter with The Daily Progress newspaper in Charlottesville, now executive director of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia

Segment 7:
Becky Norton Dunlop, vice president for external relations
with The Heritage Foundation

Segment 8:
John Taylor, president of Tertium Quids
and host of the Tuesday Morning Group coalition


Tertium Quids
P.O. Box 1123 • Abingdon, Virginia • 24212
(540) 245-1776